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CMOS #9: Ire Aderinokun - Khaled Bot, Can I Use Embed, Formhack
Custom HTML Attributes
HTML basics
Hello World in plain HTML
Upload multiple files with HTML and Flask
Skeleton: A minimal example generating HTML with Python Jinja
JavaScript Hello World - changing the DOM with getElementById and innerHTML
Accept GET and POST parameters in PHP - use htmlspecialchars
Getting Started with GitHub Pages: with HTML and with Jekyll
TODO in HTML5 and plain JavaScript
HTML 5 Skeleton
Extract HTML links using Python HTML Parser
Print HTML links using Python HTML Parser
Python Weekly statistics (using urllib2, HTMLParser and pickle)
Exercise: Send HTML e-mail
Mobile swipe left, swipe right of HTML pages using vanilla JavaScript
Python: Parsing HTML with Beautiful soup
Download an HTML page using Ruby
CI for the draftjs_html Ruby Gem