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Open JavaScript Console
Python UUID - Universally unique identifier
Open Source Companies
Applied Imbalanced Data Solutions
Materialize CSS: Side-nav with hierarchy
Groovy: import standard libraries
HTTP Client request in Node.js (GET request and data from POST request)
CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
CMOS #18: Timi Ajiboye on Client Manager, Resque, Friendly ID and other Rails gems
Pretty print JSON with beautifier: How to make a JSON readable
Python: Pydigger add author field to a PyPI package
Registry of 3rd party libraries / packages / modules
Python: split command line into pieces as the shell does - shlex.split()
Flask routes - URL mapping - views
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #1
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #10
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #11
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #12
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #13
Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #14 - f-strings and formatted printing