Welcome to the Code Maven!
Helping you improve your programming and DevOps related knowledge to allow you to have
a better job with more satisfaction and higher salary.
The main topics in alphabetical order
- Ansible - the configuration management system.
- Bash - the shell language of Unix/Linux.
- C# .NET - the language of Microsoft.
- Docker - the de-facto standard in containers.
- Flask, the Python microframework.
- Git, the most popular Open Source version control system.
- Go - Golang, the programming language created at Google.
- Groovy, the programming language used for Jenkins pipelines.
- Handlebars the HTML templating system written in JavaScript.
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jenkins, the automation server used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
- Linux
- NodeJS
- Perl on the Perl Maven site.
- Rust on the Rust Maven site.
- Python
- Ruby
- SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics examples in JavaScript and Python.
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists
- Programming Exercises for any language.
- R&D at $company - interviews with engineering leaders
- CMOS - Code-Maven Open Source podcast
- Live pair programming events
Most of the articles were written by Gabor Szabo who provides Automation and DevOps
related services. (Setting up CI systems, introducing test automation, moving the company to "the cloud", etc.)
Code-Maven Sites
- Banner Builder (Rust Project)
- Front-End Maven
- Rust Maven
- Python Maven
- C Maven
- C++ Maven
- Virtual Rust Events
- Forem stats (DEV.to)
- Code Maven in Hungarian
- Code Maven in Spanish
- Code Maven in Russian
- OSDC - Open Source Development [Course | Club | Community | Company]
- Python Maven in Hebrew
- Rust Maven in Hebrew
- Code Maven in Hebrew (integrated)
- Code Maven in English (integrated)
- Code Maven Meta (integrated)
- DevOps Workshops (old)
- Geni Rust API (only started)
- Experimental GitHub pages
Recent Articles
CLI phone book in Python using SurrealDB as a database
In this small example we are going to create a simple command line phone-book in Python using SurrealDB running in a Docker container as the database.
SurrealDB is a multi-model database I have been experimenting with in Rust. I created a number of examples for SurrealDB using Rust.
Getting started with SurrealDB using Python and Docker
SurrealDB is a multi-model database I have been experimenting with in Rust. I created a number of examples for SurrealDB using Rust. In this article we take a look at the basics of SurrealDB using Python.