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Logical operators in Ruby (and, or, not), (&&, ||, !)
Open file and read content in Ruby
Solution: rectangle in Ruby (CLI and STDIN = Standard IO)
Signal handling: Catch Ctrl-C in Python
Create images with Python PIL and Pillow and write text on them
Python PIL - Pillow tutorial and examples
Bash: parsing command line arguments with getopt
Handling user events in JavaScript
Serving web pages over IPv6 and IPv4 and verifying it
Hello World with AngularJS module and controller
Python: Capture standard output, standard error, and the exit code of a subprocess
Jenkins Pipeline - set and use environment variables
gcloud - the command line tool for Google Cloud Platform
Python and ElasticSearch
Python: Implement the wc command of Linux/Unix (word count)
argv - raw command line arguments in Node.js
CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
CMOS #17: Moyinoluwa Adeyemi creating Android Watch in Yorùbá
CMOS #18: Timi Ajiboye on Client Manager, Resque, Friendly ID and other Rails gems