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Logical operators in Ruby (and, or, not), (&&, ||, !)
Display notification from the Mac command line
Signal handling: Catch Ctrl-C in Python
Multiple counters with plain JavaScript and local storage
On-load counter with JavaScript and local storage
Serving web pages over IPv6 and IPv4 and verifying it
Jenkins: separate jobs for development and production
Materialize CSS: Rows and columns - a grid
Python: capturing, hiding, and reporting warnings
Strategy and Tooling teams
TODO in HTML5 and plain JavaScript
CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
Python atexit exit handle - like the END block of Perl
CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
CMOS #8: Lynn 'Cyrin' Conway on Bundler, RubyGems and Ruby Together
Command-line counter in Python
Showing speed improvement using a GPU with CUDA and Python with numpy on Nvidia Quadro 2000D
Hello World with AngularJS module and controller
at - running a command at some time in the future in Linux (relative time or absolute time)
Python package dependency management - pip freeze - requirements.txt and constraints.txt