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Exercise: Linux as a Virtual Environment - install + nginx
Installing Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox on top of Windows, Mac, or another Linux system
Linux TAB completion of ls
Setup 2 Ubuntu boxes in VirtualBox to communicate with each other
Vagrant and VirtualBox on Ubuntu 17.10 and CentOS 7
VirtualBox host-only network - ssh to remote machine
What ports are open on Linux - which application uses which port
Upgrade Linux packages and install new ones
Functions in Linux shell (bash)
Exercise: Implement the wc command of Linux/Unix (word count)
Download charts from Google Forms on Ubuntu Linux
Save content of clipboard to file in Ubuntu Linux
Set up CGI with Apache on Ubuntu Linux
ps does not show name of the shell script only -bash or bash - Linux
Measure elapsed time in Linux shell using time and date
at - running a command at some time in the future in Linux (relative time or absolute time)
Create temporary directory on Linux with Bash using mktemp
Unix/Linux Shell - Bash
Convert any script to a Linux service (daemon)